Athlete Spotlight: Amanda The Unassuming Iron Maiden, Round 2

I've written about Amanda before (you can read it here) and her Iron Escapades; I highly recommend reading it so you can absorb a bit of her background. Last post, back in December, chronicled her first powerlifting meet. What that post didn't convey, at least not adequately, was the craziness behind the scene. The meet was enormous, poorly organized, and rife with miscommunication or complete lack thereof. As I mentioned in the first post, Amanda handled it like a champ, but it definitely affected her performance-- not to mention the 2-week sinus infection right before the meet. Nevertheless, she fearlessly powered through and still managed to have a successful meet. 

This past Saturday was her second power meet. She. Tore. It. Up. 

She came in rarin' to go. She was confident, upbeat, and excited to attack the barbell. Jarrett would say that she had the "optimal arousal level." 

Not only did she go 9 for 9 (meaning she hit all of her attempts in all three lifts) but she hit meet PRs for each lift!!

Squat: 148.8 lb


Bench: 93.7 lb


Deadlift: 187.4 lb


THIS is what happens when you train consistently and when you train with intensity. In case you didn't read the first post, Amanda started with us nearly 2 years ago and couldn't do a pushup on the floor, her squat was around 45lbs (with the proper depth and form), and her deadlift was a struggle. Now, that barbell doesn't know what hit it when she's done with it.

Want to know some of the nitty-gritty behind her strength building? Check back on Friday and we'll go over some of the programming techniques that you can test out yourself! 

And as a bonus, her wonderful boyfriend Sean (who also competed and dominated) compiled all the lifts in one video if you're interested.