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Athlete Sleep Survey Results

20,000 Stronger Week 2: 617,506 lbs Lifted to Date

We always strive to become more accurate with our program design by understanding our clients on the deepest level possible. This year we've implemented the Athlete Exit Survey. It's basic, it's fast. But it delivers us rich information about how we (the coaches) are doing and helps us gather useful information to better serve our clientele. 

This past week we conducted a sleep survey:

It was great to see 58% of our clientele get more than 7 hours of sleep on any given night, but there is still work to do for the other 40%. Here are a few articles on sleep and its impact on your body: When You Can't Sleep6 Rules to Resolve By, 4 Things Currently Improving My Sleep Life: Part 1 & Part 2.

***Heyyyy Now, that's the equivalent of The Statue of Liberty AND 3 Railroad Boxcars in 2-weeks***