trap bar deadlift

Straight Bar vs. Trap Bar Deadlifts, Part 2

In Part 1 we discussed the main differences between deadlifting with the trap bar vs. doing so with the straight bar, and also examined the primary muscles recruited through each pull. Part II will touch on some of the training implications - aka the, “How does this affect ME?” question. I like lists, so what follows are, in list form, some key points surrounding each deadlift variation.

The Trap Bar

1. I previously stated that the trap bar tends to be easier to learn how to deadlift with, and while I still stand by that claim, it doesn’t mean the trap bar can’t be royally screwed up if unaware of what to feel or look for.

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(Note: The above link takes you to my most recent OneResult Article)

Straight Bar vs. Trap Bar Deadlifts, Part 1

Which bar is more appropriate for your deadlift training goals? “What’s your thought/preference on straight bar deadlifts vs. trap bar deadlifts?”

I hear this question constantly, but because both lifts closely resemble one another, and because both lifts are used so often, I can understand why it can be a confusing topic.

So, what exactly are the differences? Which of the two bars is easier to learn? Which variation will add more muscle mass? Which option will be place less stress on the low back? Which variation will provide a greater stimulus for the hips? Which bar would Wolverine and Batman choose, respectively? Hang tight, as I’m about to answer those questions and then some.

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(Note: The above link takes you to my most recent OneResult article)

(Note to guy in above picture: Pack your neck FOR THE LOVE!!!)