
I Want To Be Batman... (*spoiler alert*)

Almost all of us grew up dreaming of becoming a super hero; whether it was G.I. Joe, Superman, the Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, etc.   When I was growing up I wanted to be just like Batman.  I had all the Batman toys, I watched Batman the animated series, I constantly watched the movies Batman and Batman Returns, I even safety pinned a towel around my neck and pretended to be him.  At that point I probably couldn’t tell you why.  Maybe it was the cool gadgets, or that he was a normal man who could kick ass, perhaps the sweet batcave and huge mansion, who knows but I wanted to be him.  Luckily, at the ripe old age of 25 I finally figured out why I want to be him after all these years, because anyone can truly be Batman… I know that might seem like a weird statement but its true.  I don’t mean that as far as jumping from building to building, taking down mob bosses and psychopaths, or striking fear into the hearts of criminals.  Anyone can be Batman in the sense of what he stands for and the ideals he instills. After watching the last installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, I found myself in an extreme amount of deep thought.  I was truly inspired by the trilogy and wanted to understand why I felt so strongly about all three movies, why they hit such a chord with me.  I decided to watch all three movies again and pull out quotes that I felt really exemplified the essence of what batman is and what he stands for and how it can apply to everyday life.

Batman Begins

If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, then you become something else entirely…. A legend, Mr. Wayne.”

Henri Ducard says this to Bruce when he has found Bruce lost in the shuffle, searching for a way to become something more.  We were all like this at one point in our life, being 25 I’m young and still feel like this.  When you’re young you search for a way to do something great, to be something more.  The problem is that somewhere down the line you start to believe that you’re not great or that you have nothing to offer.  If this becomes your mindset then not only do you become lost in the shuffle, you may stay lost your whole life.  I don’t know about you but when it’s all said and done I want the people most important to me to know I stood for something more, that I made a difference.  And that’s the point of the quote; devote yourself to something bigger than you and you can truly help people and become something else entirely.  Why do we know about people like Louie Simmons, Jim Wendler, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Mel Siff? Because they devoted themselves to a purpose bigger than them; they stayed out of the shuffle and on their own path.  We can all do this it’s just a matter of choosing too.

“It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.”

Batman says this to Rachel towards the end of the movie as almost a thank you to her for never giving up on him.  Deep down I believe I am something more, that I’m a good person, that I have the potential to do great things.  These are all just feelings though, not actions.  I found myself asking do I put these feelings into action in my everyday life and the answer was no, or really, not as much as I could.  Too many times do we make excuses for why we don’t live the way we believe we actually are.  How often have you not held an elevator door because you were in “too much of a hurry?”  How often have you half-assed your job or your workout because “you just weren’t feeling it today?” I’m not trying to be high and mighty because I’m guilty of this as well and I’m tired of it.  As corny as it sounds Batman doesn’t do this so I’m not going to either.  Because like I said I can feel that I’m this or that but that’s not what counts that’s not what defines me; my actions define me.  I can realize my potential, I can do better… You can do better.

The Dark Knight

“Endure. You can be the outcast. You can make the choice that no one else will face - the right choice. Gotham needs you.”

Alfred says this to Bruce when he feels Joker’s rampage has become too much for Gotham to handle and believes turning himself in is the only way to end it.  In life when problems arise there will always be an easy way out, and a lot of people will take that route.  Can you be different? Can you make the decision that no one else can? This is something we should all strive for because when it comes down to it the easy way out usually only benefits one person, yourself.  This opportunity really hasn’t come full circle yet for me but when it does I hope and I feel that I can endure, I can be the outcast where other people cannot.  This problem may arise for you and the hard solution might be one that causes people to not think as highly of you, it may cause you to lose a friend but the strength to endure may help those people in the long run.  Maybe it arises in the form of a job opportunity that pays a boat load of money but you have the choice of another job that may not pay as much but where you know you can make a real difference in people’s lives.  It can come in any form really but we all have the ability to endure we just have to realize it.

“Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a dark knight.”

Commissioner Gordon tells his son this when he asks his father why the police are chasing Batman at the end of the movie.  This goes hand in hand with the other quote from above.  The right decisions may not always be the easiest but that’s not the point of a right decision.  The point is to make the decision that will benefit your life, your family, and your friends later down the road.  They may not like you for it but you didn’t make the hard decision to be liked you made it because you knew it’s what they deserved.  I imagine this is something parents are confronted with on a daily basis.  I can’t imagine what it’s like to watch your child as you tell them something that might crush them but you know it’s a decision that had to be made.  I hope I can be as strong as my parents were and some of the parents I know when it comes time to make a decision that has my kid questioning whether or not I’m truly their “hero.”  But sometimes parents and mentors aren’t heroes; they’re silent guardians, watchful protectors.

The Dark Knight Rises

There’s a point far out there, when the structures fail you. When the rules aren’t weapons anymore, they’re shackles, letting the bad guy get ahead… “

Commissioner Gordon says this to Detective John Blake when Gotham finds out that it was really Harvey Dent (Two-Face) who killed those people instead of Batman.  TDKR brings everything back home and relates a lot back to Batman Begins and this quote does just that.  Bruce Wayne couldn’t work within the constraints of the law in order to shake people out of apathy.  He saw Gotham’s judicial system as a constraint and their rules at that point in time were letting the bad guy get ahead.  This goes back to what I was talking about toward the beginning.  We know when we are young that we can do great things but soon the rules we feel we must follow become shackles and we no longer feel we are great, we become lost.  It’s up to us to overcome these rules, these shackles, we just have to figure out how and if you don’t it’s only a matter of time before you start losing belief in yourself.  I have faced this before in terms of a career.  When it came down to making the hard decision I realized that if I went the easy route then the rules that would have been put in place by the structures over me would have prevented me from becoming something more.  I would have become lost in the shuffle.  I chose to take the hard route and devote myself to an ideal.  As a side note, this is why I’m so happy with the people I work with because they’ve all been faced with these decisions before.  They made the decisions no one else could have. 

“A hero can be anyone- even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting their coat around a young boy's shoulder to let him know the world hasn't ended.”

Batman says this to Jim Gordon when he asks Batman who he really is because Gordon feels Gotham should know that it was Bruce Wayne who gave them everything that he was as a man.  I’m going to go a little more in depth in just a little bit about why this quote sums up the whole point of the trilogy.  You may not know it but you could be doing something heroic everyday of your life.  You could be helping someone and not even know it.  I recall a couple weeks ago I was having a conversation with one of our athletes and she was talking about some rough stuff she was going through and all of a sudden she started to cry.  I felt awful I really had no idea what to do.  I felt helpless and all I wanted to do was to help and I didn’t know how.  All I did was give her a hug and told her that everything will work out, it may not work out like you want it to but I promise it will work out.  I still felt I could have done more, I don’t and still don’t feel what I said was heroic by any means.  But maybe what I did was something simple and hopefully reassuring to her.  The point is that we can all have an impact on people every day if we just take the time.

This was a long article I know, but it was an article I really wanted to write.  You can view it as corny, I don’t care.  In the time we live in, there are so few opportunities to be inspired and these three movies were one of my opportunities.  As I read different articles about the trilogy when attempting to shape this blog post I stumbled across a blog by just a random guy who I believe really summed up the main theme of this trilogy and really my main reason for writing this post.  He said A major theme in the story is “Who was Batman? He was just Batman; the person under the mask doesn’t matter, because ANYBODY can be Batman.” We hear this several times, and it speaks back to the longstanding concept in the Nolan trilogy that a symbol is eternal and cannot be killed or destroyed, and that is what Batman became — an eternal symbol for Gotham, a symbol that would be anybody.” I couldn’t have said it any better.

We all have these ideals inside of us, these feelings, and this potential to do great things and to make an impact.  Right now though, those things are all just underneath and are irrelevant, because it’s not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us.

Random Thoughts: Facing Challenges and Gallagher

I have two random thoughts for the day.  The first is just about the positive changes going on with SAPT and its crew and the lesson you can take away from it.  The second is a training update from… MY GIRLFRIEND!  

SAPT and its employees have been going through quite the change as of late, and it’s been all for the better.  Sarah had a handsome little boy Duke while simultaneously working as a full time strength coach at a D1 university AND running a full time business.  Kelsey has become fully adjusted to her job(s) at SAPT in terms of coaching and also dealing with current clients, potential clients, new contracts, old contracts, answering a million emails a day, defeating Voldemort, etc. all while swinging a kettle bell.  Most people wouldn’t be able to handle ONE of Sarah or Kelsey’s jobs; they manage to do it all.  Stevo’s still taking over the world one book, one cue, one article, one program at a time, in his quest to become the best strength coach in the industry and trust me, he’s closer than you think. And just when you think he can’t do his job any better he somehow proves you wrong.  In the immortal words of Sir Ludacris, he’s coming for that number one spot!

Then there’s me.  The past couple of months have been eye opening for me to say the least and it’s a great feeling to know that SAPT has become my home with a family I love dearly.  I’m in the midst of coming into my own with my own discernible differences from my peers in my personal life, coaching style, and even business. It’s truly calming when you realize what is truly important in your life. These are all huge, awesome changes and we’ve done all this while moving facilities.  These are the times when you find out what you and your team are made of.  Do you see a challenge, look at it in the eye and run away? Or do you stand toe-to-toe and GO GALLAGHER ON IT AND SMASH IT WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER!  That’s really my point of telling you all this.  You, your friends, your family, your business, your schooling, YOUR TRAINING; it will all be presented with change and challenges.  It is how you confront and tackle those changes and challenges that will define you as a person.  I always talk about being average and this goes hand in hand with that; the average person will become consumed and beaten down by changes and challenges.  The above average person will get up, dust themselves off and go Gallagher on it….

My last random thought is in the form of a training update, not from I, but from my girlfriend Shannon.  Since we started dating she has been incredibly supportive and has now shown interest in moving weight (either that or she just wants me to stop bugging her).  Nonetheless, I am extremely proud of her quick improvements in confidence and strength.  I recently had her start Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength as I believe novice, intermediate, and even advanced lifters can stand to benefit from its simplicity and concepts (I recently started this program as well).  Shannon has already seen great strength gains as well as a huge refinement of technique as Starting Strength exposes her to the same barbell movements multiple times per week. Plus, I told her if she lifted consistently for 3 weeks I would take her to see Magic Mike in 3-D.  As I said before I am extremely proud of all of her improvements and hard work as well as her commitment and consistency.  The video below is a clip from one of her recent squat sessions.  Look at that technique! She must have a good coach.

What's Different About Your Training?

Do you remember the good ol’ days when you used to wake up and be excited to train?  The times when setting a new PR was as satisfying as waking up on Christmas morning.  I certainly do, sadly there will come a time when life gets in the way and your training sessions won’t be as awesome as they once were.  Sometime last week after yet another lack luster training session of mine I sat down for about 30 minutes and thought about my training since my last meet.  My training frequency has stayed the same (four days a week) yet each session seems progressively lazier, as if my head just isn’t in it.  So I’m sitting there thinking what’s different, what is different now compared to a few months ago? So I made a list of the things that are different in my everyday routine that could potentially be causing my sessions to be as awful as watching a Keeping Up with the Kardashian’s marathon.

    1.  No Training Partner: All 3 of my previous training partners are off doing internships with their respected teams University of Maryland, University of Minnesota, and the New York Jets.  My training partners kept me on track and pushed me which made training fun.  We were able to give each other feedback and make fun of each other which always led to good sessions.  But I haven’t always had training partners and my training was still productive so what was different then? Music
    2. Music: It’s clear that if I don’t have a training partner I need to bring back the old days and put the ear-buds in and zone out.  I need to be focused on the task at hand and I clearly can’t be trusted to do that when people who are not my training partners are around.  They just become an unneeded distraction, not intentionally, just happens.  Listening to music on my iPod will block out all the distraction, get me jacked up, and allow me to focus on the task.
    3. AM Training: For as long as I can remember I trained in the morning before I did anything else.  It wasn’t until recently that I started training in the afternoon.  And looking back on the situation I am much better suited to train in the morning.  It sets the pace for my day.  It clears my head and it allows me to take my time rather than rush to get in a workout.  I also work better if I get my training out of the way early, I can just focus on work after instead of worrying about getting my training in.
    4. Food:  Recently my nutrition has taken a back seat, out of pure laziness than anything else.  My mentality used to be eat to train.  I would eat 5 meals a day and I would feel awesome during training sessions.  Lately I have been skipping breakfast, A- because I have been lazy and B- because of dumb people in the fitness industry, but more on that in my next point.  It’s definitely time to get back to my old eating habits.  I AM THE PEANUT BUTTER KING!
  1. Fitness Professionals: Even a professional strength coach like me can still fall victim to fitness propaganda.  You’re probably asking what do other fitness professionals have to do with your training. That’s a good question, and the answer is a lot more than I should have allowed.  There is so much crap written by people just trying to sell you stuff that it’s almost impossible not to succumb to it at least once.  And sadly it almost made me doubt my own knowledge base.  Then I woke up and realized what a bunch of BS it all is.  I know this point kind of got off track but it’s something that I realized I didn’t used to let impact my training/nutrition so it’s important that it not impact it now.*

You may be asking what the point was to writing all of this.  The goal of all my posts is to get YOU to train better or to help you reach YOUR goals.  The best way to do that is to learn from others mistakes so you can in turn avoid the same pitfalls.  Hopefully this post has allowed you to evaluate your own training, figure out what the problem is and helped you to get it back on track.  The points I listed above are all excuses to not have a good training session.  An excuse is a problem that can be rectified, I chose to do so.  Will you?

*People I'm currently reading to block out internet BS Mark Rippetoe, Jim Wendler, Dan John, Dave Tate, and Louie Simmons. 

We All Need A Little Inspiration

It’s the times that you don’t want to train that will show your true desire and will to win… How often do you wake up and just do not want to go to the weight room, batting cage, football field, volleyball court?  What do you do in those situations; do you roll over and go back to bed?  Do you make compromises because you just aren’t feeling it today?  Do you say “alright starting Monday I’ll get back after it?” We have all been in these situations but as I said these are the situations that define us.  I’ve talked a lot about being average in past posts and how I refuse to be it and this is one of the ways I “beat” the average out of myself.  I have to train no matter what and no matter how I feel because I know the average person just rolls over and goes back to bed, the average person makes compromises.  I’m not trying to be high and mighty, there have been times when I’ve succumb to the state of averageness, and I absolutely hate it.  So when I feel the average part of me trying to take over I have put things in place to make my better half overcome.  This is usually in the form of watching a video or reading an article that really makes me want to get after it.  I’m not really sure why doing these things work for me.  Maybe it’s the fact that I’m seeing someone rise above their own feelings of being average and it makes me realize I need to do the same.  For you it might be something different but it’s up to you to find something to make you conquer those bad days, to rise above your negative thoughts and feelings of inadequacy.  We all have the ability to be great but it is only you that can unlock the potential.  Am I being corny? Maybe, but corny is what we need sometimes to get through those rough days; and I’d rather be corny than average. This was a short and to the point rant, but a rant that was needed.  If you’re like me and get jacked up watching inspirational videos and reading inspirational articles then take a look below at the things I currently look to when I’m having those lazy days.


The Walk On by Jim Wendler

A Letter To My Younger Self by Jim Wendler


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By far my favorite video to get me jacked up to go train

Former SAPT coach Chris Romanow is one of the people who got me interested in powerlifting so seeing him smash heavy weight makes me want to do the same

SAPT client and friend Ron Reed inspires me to achieve goals, his work ethic is second to none

I have no idea who this guy is but he is dedicated

What to Know About Competing in Powerlifting

“…Would be interested in hearing more about what it takes to enter a powerlifting competition: requirements, mentality, gear/no-gear, training, scoring/judging, what it takes to win, etc.”

This was a comment left on my meet write-up blog post from last week.  As soon as I saw it I thought what better way to talk about this than through a post for everyone!

Scoring and Judging/What it Takes to Win

Powerlifting consists of three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift (they are performed in this order).  At a meet you get three attempts at each of these lifts.  At the end of the competition your highest successful attempt from each of the three lifts will be added up for your “total”.  Your total is what determines your placing within your division/weight class.  In my opinion your placing should not be a focus for you especially if this is your first meet.  Your goal should be to show up and to perform because most people won’t even do that.

The scoring is based on a lighting system.  Each of the three judges has a light and if they deem the lift to be successful you will be rewarded with a shiny white light.  If they feel the lift to be unsuccessful they will ruin your life with a red light.  Have no fear because all you need is two white lights for the lift to count!

I’m not going to go into great detail about what the judges are looking for.  To learn more about this here is the link to the IPF rule book….

Gear or No Gear

This is the only place where I feel things get tricky.  People get WAAAYYYYY too bent out of shape about this to the point of ridiculousness.  You have three ways to compete in powerlifting; Raw, Single-ply, and Multi-ply.  This is entirely up to YOU and your GOALS and don’t let anyone sway you one way or the other.  As far as I’m concerned it really doesn’t matter what you choose because at the end of the day we all have the same goal… to get stronger.  Nevertheless you will come across the close-minded people who will tell you gear is “cheating” (not sure how it’s cheating because geared lifters compete only against other geared lifters) or “not true strength”.  These elitists’ get under my skin because they have probably never been in gear and have no idea what it’s like to train in it, so therefor, in my mind they have NO room to give an opinion on the subject.  More importantly why do they care what YOU do?  The people who care about what others do have their own personal issues to figure out.  I have competed raw and single-ply and I love both.  They both offer their own challenges and are both fun to train for.  It’s weird and ridiculous to me that people get so up and arms about the whole thing, it’s like 5 year olds fighting about whose toy is better.  If you want to lift raw, lift raw.  If you want to throw on a bunch of gear then do that.

My only caveat to this is that unless you have two solid years of strength training under you than you shouldn’t wear gear.  It takes A LOT of strength to even handle single-ply equipment so unless you're going two years strong, just start out with a few raw competitions.


This is the easy part.  Just get better at squatting, benching and deadlifting.  The best way to do that is to perform the lifts several times a week.  It can’t get much simpler than that.  If you want a good set in stone program just do Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 and I promise you’ll get stronger.  Don’t want to do that? Then use the Westside Barbell template.  People want to treat this like its rocket science.  They paralyze themselves with fear about what programs best fits their body, there strength level, etc.  If these are the questions you’re asking yourself then all you really need to do is get in the weight room and press something, squat something, and pick something up off the ground and work on doing it correctly and everything will fall into place.


This encompasses a great deal of things which is why when talking about it I like to refer to Mike Robertson’s T-Nation articletitled, “7 Reasons Everyone Should do a Powerlifting Meet” ( ).  This is an awesome article and spells out everything in a very simple way.  In order to do a powerlifting meet you have to be able to do one thing… to truly say that you care nothing about what other people think of you.  Most of the time when people tell me why they don’t want to do a meet it’s because they are scared of other people.  They tell me they don’t want to embarrass themselves or they say there not as strong as everybody else.  No one cares that you’re not as strong as them and no one’s waiting to laugh at you for failing a lift or bombing out of a meet.  It is perfectly understandable to be afraid of putting yourself out there for people to see you fail.  However, it is unacceptable to allow that fear to control your actions.  It is your ability to face and overcome your fears that will define you as a person.  So what if you fail?  Failure is a marker of two things; that you actually tried and that you learned.

I don’t care who you are or how long you’ve been training; I implore you to go sign up for a meet.  It doesn’t matter what federation or where it is just sign up for it.  Find one that is 10-14 weeks away and go train for it.  Can’t squat, bench, or deadlift correctly?  Go turn in an entry form and your hard-earned money and I BET you will learn how to do all of those things pretty quick.  Don’t wait around saying “well, I’ll just wait a little bit until I get stronger” or “I’ll wait a little bit until I feel a little more comfortable”.  If your training for something you’re going to get stronger than if you aren’t, FACT!  Chances are if your excuse is that you’re waiting to feel a little more comfortable then you probably rarely step out of your comfort zone when it comes to other aspects of your life as well.  If you choose to test your limits then go to find a meet.

That first meet changed more than just how I approach lifting – because the lessons you learn from training and competition can be carried over to nearly every aspect of your life. -Mike Robertson

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2012 USAPL Richmond Open: Meet Results

I competed in the 2012 USAPL Richmond Open this past weekend and it was a huge success for me.  I hit a PR in the squat and deadlift as well as my meet total!  I competed at 181 and weighed in Saturday morning at 180.9 after cutting about 10lbs (first time I’ve had to cut weight).  For anyone who read my post last week you know that I was very unsure going into the meet so for me to come out with PRs and meeting my goal of an 1100lbs total (finished with 1136lbs)is a huge deal for me.  So without wasting any more time here is the video compilation of my attempts...

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The only thing that even remotely ruffled my feathers as far as judging went was on my squat.  On my first attempt I got red lighted for my depth even though I felt I was below parallel.  Then on my second I got a white light but the judge still told me I was almost high.  So for good measure on my third attempt I decided to hang out in the bottom so there wouldn’t be any question.

Bench press went alright.  I was hoping to get around 325 but after my second attempt I only took a little jump.  After all the trouble I’d been having with my shirt I was just glad to get on the board.  After watching the videos I noticed a bunch of problems.  My arch wasn’t as big as it could have been, I tucked my elbows too much then I didn’t flare them on the way up (this causes a loss in leverage), and for the position I started in I hit to low on my chest which threw off my whole stroke.

My deadlift went a lot better than expected.  I actually feel like I could have gone much heavier on my last one but whatever I got the weight and the total. I still need to sit back into my heels more and pull back more as opposed to standing straight up which is very evident on my last attempt.

Right now my upcoming goals are to get stronger and continue to refine my technique on my lifts.  I don’t like saying that I have to work on my weak points because as far as I’m concerned everything is weak and it all needs to be worked on.  Is this the wrong attitude to have? Absolutely not, as I’ve stated before I don’t like feeling content.  The moment I feel content and that I’m strong is the moment that I stop working hard and I don’t ever want to stop working hard.

I want to congratulate Carson on his first meet, he did a great job and we are all very proud of him.  I also want to thank everyone who came out to support me and who helped me out with my training and everything else.  Thanks to Gabe Naspinski who did my programming and also congratulations to him as well for totaling 2100 pounds at his meet in Tampa! Sean was a great training partner and it was a shame he couldn’t attend but he had some very important things to do in New York but thanks again man!  My friend and current SAPT intern Tadashi was my handler for the whole thing and did an awesome job taking the stress off me, wrapping my knees, picking weights, etc. so thanks a lot man I couldn’t have done it without you.  Steve was there to handle Carson but helped me out as well, he is a great friend and I’m glad he came down.

Tim Henriques was in attendance with his powerlifting team as well.  Tim is someone that I look up to in this industry and for him to help out and lend his support like he did was a huge deal for me so thanks Tim!

SAPT’s longtime client and friend Ron came down, which was awesome that he would take a whole Saturday to support Carson and I, thanks Ron!  Two of my buddies who I’ve been friends with for as long as I can remember came out as well which was cool for me to share this experience with them, thanks guys.  Part of my family made the trek to Richmond too.  This meant the world to me so thanks to my sisters, Sissy and Stephanie and to my nephew Trevor who is one of my best friends so that was doubly awesome that he came out.

Last but certainly not least I really want to thank my girlfriend Shannon for everything she did, has done, and will do.  She learned very quickly how important competing in powerlifting is for me and she jumped right on board. Without any hint of boredom or annoyance she listens to me day in and day out talk about my training successes and struggles which very few people can pull off.  She watches my videos and reads my articles and doesn’t think twice about it.  She made the trip with me to Philadelphia to spend two days watching a powerlifting meet that I wasn’t even in!  She even drove Tadashi and me to this meet and spent 7 hours waiting to film me and support me for only the 3 total minutes that I was on the platform.  I am truly lucky to have her in my life so thank you Shannon, I love you very much!